Create with AI Writer

Example title: Your One-Stop Solution

What is the AI-powered widget?

The AI Writer widget is a general-purpose tool equipped with AI capabilities, designed to assist in generating content for various topics based on user input.

How do I activate the AI Writer?

To use the AI Writer, simply highlight the text you want to work with and click on the 'AI Writer' icon.

What types of content can the AI Writer create?

The AI Writer can generate content for a wide range of topics, from business services like 'Door Change Service' to informational content like 'Boxing Course Information'.

How do I provide input to the AI Writer?

After clicking the AI Writer icon, enter a brief description of the topic or content you want in the provided space.

What if the content generated by the AI Writer isn't exactly what I wanted?

You can refine the output by providing more specific information or adjusting your initial description, and the AI will generate new text based on the updated input.

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